A Salute to our Veterans

A Salute to our Veterans

Here in the United States, the 11th day of the 11th month is designated as Veterans day. A day to honor and remember the men and women who have served our country through military service. We wanted to take this opportunity to salute those veterans, past and present...


Today is the 11th Anniversary of the September 11th attacks.  Montague Bikes would like to take a moment to remember and honor all those who have passed away, and all those who have served and continue to serve this nation. Military Bicycles In June of this year...

A Lean, Mean, Off-Roading Machine

Thanks to one a Montague rider for sending in pictures of his customized Paratrooper. Looks like he’s changed up the handlebars, fork, and saddle, and added a fender. He’s also put in a belt drive and Rohloff internal hub – a good choice looking at...

The Paratrooper Rides in Indy

What better way to celebrate the 2nd inauguration of Indianapolis mayor Greg Ballard than with a bike ride…right? Even in January? Despite the snow and cold temperatures, hundreds of riders turned out for a ride hosted by the mayor. And among the bikes and...

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