Electric Bicycle Types Explained

Electric Bicycle Types Explained

While the idea of electric bicycles has been around for quite a while, they have truly come to the forefront in the last decade. Better technology, smaller and lighter batteries with improved range, and lower costs have allowed them to be a viable choice for an...
Why Choose a Folding Bike?

Why Choose a Folding Bike?

When setting out to buy a new bicycle, you will undoubtedly find an incredible range of options. With so many different designs, why choose a folding bike? A folding bike can seamlessly integrate cycling into your life by making bike ownership more convenient....
How To: Patch a Tube

How To: Patch a Tube

An essential skill for any cyclist is the ability to fix a flat tire. If you can, you’ll almost never get stranded on a ride. Some cyclists carry a new tube while others prefer the weight and space savings of a patch kit. I often carry both. Patching your tubes...

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