Going Clipless

Going Clipless

I recently took the plunge into the world of clipless pedals, something I’ve been meaning to do for a while. I’ve been a long time cyclist but even for long distance rides, I had stuck to toe clips and straps. I’m strapped in right? That should be...
Visualizing Bike Share

Visualizing Bike Share

  The increasing popularity of Bike Share programs in cities across the world is making transportation cycling a reality for many. Not only does it provide conveniently located bikes for newcomers or casual riders, it’s also developing a culture of cycling....
A Salute to our Veterans

A Salute to our Veterans

Here in the United States, the 11th day of the 11th month is designated as Veterans day. A day to honor and remember the men and women who have served our country through military service. We wanted to take this opportunity to salute those veterans, past and present...

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